Kalender Hijriyah

Senin, 12 April 2010


1. Insert USB key (ok if machine is alive)
2. "iostat -En" will tell you where to find your USB device, e.g.,

c5t0d0 Soft Errors: 2 Hard Errors: 0 Transport Errors: 0 Vendor: USB 2.0 Product: Flash Disk Revision: 1.00 Serial No: Size: 0.13GB <130023424 byte
s> Media Error: 0 Device Not Ready: 0 No Device: 0 Recoverable: 0 Illegal Request: 2 Predictive Failure Analysis: 0 --> c5t0d0

3. "devfsadm -C"
4. "mount -F pcfs /dev/dsk/c1t0d0p0:c /mnt/" -- Make sure you write "dsk" and not "rdsk". Also, you must have trailing slash on the target directory!!
5. "umount /mnt" when finished

Buat user bash di Solaris

Sedikit berbagi tentang Solaris, berhubung di SOLARIS default scriptnya adalah shell, maka kalau kita terbiasa memakai script-bash, maka kita bisa buat user khusus supaya bisa menggunakan script-bash. berikut langkah-langkahnya:

1./usr/sbin/useradd -m -d /home/andia -s /bin/bash user

2. passwd user

gampangkan caranya....? :) semoga yang sedikit ini bermanfaat.... :D :D :D


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